NuYu Fitness

8 Benefits of Plank Exercise

It is often joked that the longest minute is that of a plank exercise. However, since a plank is quite an extensive exercise, the benefits it yields are worth every second of that minute!  When you hold your body straight

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8 Health Benefits of Yoga

For many, yoga is a form of therapy, and they are not in the wrong believing that it is. People of all ages can benefit from yoga’s physical and mental health benefits. Yoga can also be an essential element of

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What is an Up and Down Plank?

Whether you love them or dread them, you can’t deny the countless benefits of planks. They are included in the best workout programs, as they are both a cardio exercise and a resistance training. However, if a regular plank is

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5 Best Ab Workouts You Need To Try

All about the best ab workouts! If women could make one impossible wish come true, they would eat all the pizza they want without stocking any belly fat. Unfortunately, our bodies don’t work out this way! For many of us,

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3 Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

What is Belly Fat? Belly fat is a problem that bothers many. It’s basically fat that’s stored around your waist. To cut down belly fat, you need to commit to healthier habits, rely on food quantity and quality, and exercise

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5 Best Yoga Stretches for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common types of pain and can be caused by a myriad of reasons: long-term repetitive motion, poor posture, and more. Opting for yoga for your back pain will not only treat it but

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