NuYu Fitness

Benefits of Zumba Class For Mental Health

Exercising is only about taking care of your physical health, your mental health is a large part of that as well – That’s why when it comes to exercising and working out with an emphasis on improving your mood or

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تأثير جائحة كورونا على حصص التمرين الجماعي في النادي النسائي

أثرت جائحة فيروس كورونا التي ضربت العالم منذ مطلع العام 2020 في القطاعات كافّةً ومنها قطاع النّوادي الرّياضيّة. ومع رفع القيود في المملكة العربيّة السعودية، عادت الحياة تدريجيًّا للنّوادي الرّياضية.  تعتمد نوادٍ نسائيّة عديدة ومنها نادي نيو يو النّسائي على

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Importance of Yoga Classes in COVID – 19

The COVID-19 pandemic and its global lockdown measures have turned the lives of working people upside down. Being confined for months can be straining on one’s mental and physical health. Not only that, but the whole global situation raises a

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Gym in Riyadh Post-lockdown

As soon as the lockdown’s over, our gym in Riyadh is going to reopen and everyone’s going to be eyeing an hour on the treadmill! It’s just that ever since the quarantine took effect, everyone’s gotten comfortable with a certain

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Benefits of Body Pump Classes

Everyone has his or her own exercise routine. You may be the kind of person to go on the elliptical for 25 min and call it a day; or maybe you’re just hesitant about trying something other than your 5pm

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