NuYu Fitness

3 Benefits of Aerobic Exercises

If there’s something you need to know, it’s that aerobic exercise is good for you!  Whatever your age or weight, moving your body will always benefit you physically and mentally.  Exercises like walking, bicycling, and swimming can definitely help you

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3 Best Yoga Poses For Beginners

Enough with the fancy pose names, the branded yoga mats, the incense-filled studios; don’t be scared of NUYU’s yoga classes, they’re for everyone! No matter your weight or age, it’s time to stretch out your body for a combination of

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How to pick your ladies’ gym in Riyadh!

Three things come to mind when you’re looking to join a Ladies’ Gym in Riyadh – Gym Classes, Culture, and Cleanliness.  Joining a gym isn’t all about grinding it out, taking a quick shower, and heading back home, it’s more

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The Benefits of Zumba classes

For a while now, there has been a rise in group fitness classes, namely Zumba classes. Humans, after all, are social beings who crave socializing! Just think about it, when you’re working out on your own, doesn’t it get a

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NUYU pumps it up

With the Ladies gym-hype train steaming its way through the Kingdom, the NUYU ladies gym in Riyadh has opened their doors to the all-too-popular Body Pump class. While the class might come off as intimidating, it’s far from it! This

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What type of yoga classes is suited for you?

Many misconceptions about yoga are found around the world. Some people think that meditation and yoga are the same; others believe that yoga solely revolves around stretching; and some assume that yoga classes are exactly the same everywhere around the

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How to Get Started with Yoga Classes

Yoga is a physical, spiritual and mental practice that has been around for many years. Yoga was developed by the Indus Saraswati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago. Since then, it has become a phenomenon that has become

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Why you should focus on Zumba Classes

Zumba is a fun fusion of dance styles like Salsa, Merengue, Reggaeton and Flamenco that come together to form synchronized dance moves that create a great workout. Dancing to a Latin beat is what makes Zumba classes so popular among

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How Gyms in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Are Booming

Not every member of the Saudi community was ready for the change that was to come with the steadily increasing number of women gyms that generated a mixture of happiness, independence, and controversy. That didn’t stop women from attending a

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