NuYu Blog

3 Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

What is Belly Fat? Belly fat is a problem that bothers many. It’s basically fat that’s stored around your waist. To cut down belly fat, you need to commit to healthier habits, rely on food quantity and quality, and exercise

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5 Best Yoga Stretches for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common types of pain and can be caused by a myriad of reasons: long-term repetitive motion, poor posture, and more. Opting for yoga for your back pain will not only treat it but

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How Much Calories Should I Burn in a Day?

Every person hits the gym for different reasons. After all, people have different fitness orientations and weight goals. Some want to maintain their weight while others want to lose it. But both depend on calorie intake, diet, and fitness routines.

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3 Best Cardio Exercises For Weight Loss

Cardio workouts come in all shapes and sizes. Some use them to get the blood flowing to their muscle, while others solely rely on it for weight loss – and neither are considered “wrong”. If you’re one of the people

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Top 5 Benefits of Kettlebell Workouts

If you’re considering adding some kettlebells to your workout, this might be the sign to do so!  What is Kettlebell Workout? Kettlebells are basically weights that come in the form of a ball and have a handle so that you

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Why are Lower Body Workouts Essential for Women?

While a healthy exercise program should incorporate upper and lower body workouts, we often find ourselves skipping leg day whenever we don’t feel like it. However, working out our lower body should have the same priority as exercising any other

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Top 4 Best Full-Body Workouts for Beginners

Everyone wishes to have the perfect body. Sometimes, that leads us to seek exercises for weight loss. So, if you’re looking for full-body workouts for beginners who want to lose weight quickly, you’ve come to the right place! 1. Walking

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